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Connect Education Trust

Parent Pay Help Session

Parent Pay Help Session

Last Chance Parent Pay Help Session

Wednesday 7th March at 2pm

We would like to invite you to a ParentPay afternoon on Wednesday 7th March at 2pm in the School Hall with Lorraine, Alex and Lale from the Gate Office.

As from January 2018 you may be aware we no longer issue barcodes for any payments, therefore we are doing one last session to support you with registering to our payment system called ParentPay.

ParentPay is an online payment service which is quick and easy to use. You can pay for your child/s school dinners, breakfast club and trips, which also provides you with statements and tracking service.

We urge you to take this opportunity as from the 1st March we will ONLY be able to provide you with log in details and not support in registering.

I would like to emphasise that Wednesday 7th March at 2pm is the final day for support for registering to ParentPay.