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Connect Education Trust

Breakfast at Chesterfield

We are proud that we provide breakfast for all our pupils. This will benefit our pupils in numerous ways but most importantly ensuring that all our children start the day with a healthy meal which will help with their concentration, and that they have a good / positive start to the day in a friendly nurturing environment.

We are grateful to the charity 'Magic Breakfast' who have supported this  venture since 2016. The breakfast provided is brown bagels, with a choice of toppings and water. Diluted fruit juice and fruit  are provided on a weekly rota in Key Stage 2.

(Key  Stage 1 and Early Years have fruit or vegetable snacks daily, and Early Years also have mik provided). 

 The breakfast process includes all pupils, and duties are shared e.g. making breakfast, serving, washing up etc. We hope that this will teach our children that taking responsibility for washing up is part of the process and all children will have this responsibility at some point. Sitting together, sometimes with background music, as well as using lots of speaking and listening skills creates a nurturing environment.